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Camps and Field Trips 2025

Welcome to  rural camps

One-day trips

Micro adventures away from home where children explore and get acquainted with country life for a day.

3-days camps

Three-day camps are designed for children who haven’t been away from home without parents before..

summer camps

They are ideal for children’s holistic development, encompassing emotional, social, cultural, motor, and cognitive aspects.

siblings discount

If you bring your brother or sister, the second sibling will receive a discount of 270 lei at the summer camps.

Discount for small groups

For a group of at least 4 children, you will receive a discount of 180 lei at the summer camps.

group discount

For an organized group of at least 20 children, the price is reduced by 100 lei per child, and there are complimentary benefits for the organizer, at the summer camps.

Discount for returning participants

In our camps, participants receive a discount of 100 lei at the summer camps.

The discounts do not accumulate. 

Hello! I’m Dragoș, and I’m really glad that you’ve stopped by, even if (for now) it’s just an online visit. I won’t try to convince you that it’s mandatory to send your child to camp, but I’ll warn you that you might just feel like sending them… tomorrow. You’ll want to start today, but keep in mind there’s also the packing to be done 😊. Nevertheless, I advise you to check the camp schedules beforehand; maybe the first available camp is sooner than you expect.

Making friendships

Tabara si prietenia

Jocurile de cunoastere, focul de tabara, activitatile specifice, le ofera copiilor cadrul de a dezvolta prietenii ce pot ramane pe tot parcursul vietii.

Feeding the animals

Copiii si animalele

Hranitul si grija pe care o acorda animalelor, dezvolta copiilor sentimentul de responsabilitate si de bucuria experientei traita in preajma lor.

Gardening activities

Micul gradinar

Plantarea florilor, adunatul merelor, varuitul pomilor sunt activitati nelipsite din taberele noastre. Multi copii avand pentru prima oara ocazia de a experimenta aceste activitati.

Creative workshops

Creatia si jocul

Atelierele creative desfasurate le dezvolta copiilor rabdarea, atentia, perseverenta si dorinta de a excela. Satisfactia obtinuta in momentul realizarii creatiei este nemarginita.

Why rural camps?

  • Because the apple picked directly from the tree and eaten after wiping it on your clothes is much, much tastier
  • Because the animals in the yard want to be petted, their tails pulled
  • Because you can walk barefoot on grass, on soil, letting your feet feel the various textures
  • You can laugh under the sun all day long because only the sky can be your roof during the day
  • In fact, even at night, the sky can be your vast roof overhead, especially on the evenings when we choose to sleep in tents
  • Because hunger doesn’t need strategies. It comes when it comes, and you devour everything
  • Because you can feel free, without limitations and rules

Summer Camps. Children's Camps. School Camps 2024

Give your child a countryside experience this spring!
3 days

5-14 Ani


780 lei

3 days

5-14 Ani


780 lei

5 days

6-14 Ani


1750 lei

4 days

5-14 Ani


1125 lei

Next camp

Your child’s joy is just a click away!

Our activities

They are based on the simple and beautiful life spent in the countryside. ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.’ Your child will enjoy activities that will provide experiences, emotions, and feelings.
Household activities
Sports activities
Craft activities
Seasonal activities
WhatsApp Image 2022-02-11 at 11.16.43-min_ccexpress (1)
"We are thrilled that we had the opportunity to meet these wonderful people who provide these unforgettable camps for children! Since my child's first camp experience, we haven't looked at other camps; we happily return to Vero and Dragos each time because here we always learn new things, enjoy the miracle of outdoor activities, and make beautiful friendships in a fairytale setting! Thank you for the way you organize dream vacations for the kids! 🤗🥇💕"
(Alex's mom, Bucharest)
"Mom, I really enjoy being at Dragos' camp. I have a lot of fun, I can do things that I can't do at home, I'm allowed to try everything. And there's something else, even the tea tastes better at Dragos' 🤗😉😊 When is the next camp?"
Alex, 8 years old
"It was my child's first camp. I was anxious and kept an eye on the WhatsApp group. When I saw that they were having such a good time, and they didn't want to come home sooner, I completely relaxed. After all, that's what camps should be about: the way you, as a parent, can relax. Knowing your child is safe and well. And that you can enjoy some free time for yourself."
(Taisia's mom, Bucharest)

Your child can experience the charm of country life in our camps!